Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Grouch the cat. Posted by Hello

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Pooch the dog. Posted by Hello
First entry: Today was day 1 of Stanford plastic surgery. The 11 hour case (notice the singular of "case") was, needless to say, long, and I'm not convinced that it was particularly beneficial. However, I have high hopes for tomorrow.

In the news: This past saturdayGeoff, Ben and I ran "Romancing the Island", an envirosport (environment friendly, although not knee, hamstring, or quad friendly) race. For results, check out http://www.envirosports.com/events/displayevent.php?eventid=1296. Splendid views of SF and the bay, although the trails proved to be rather muddy andmostly uphill. As soon as I figure out how to post pictures, you will have a chance to see our muddy legs.

My plan is that this blog keep everyone updated on my adventures and wild escapades around the world, particularly when I head off to Gaborone, Botswana for 10 months starting this August. I'm sure it will also be an outlet to vent my discontent, so bear with me...