Thursday, August 04, 2005

Settling In (Aug 4)

Entertainment seems somewhat limited in Gaborone, but a popular hangout seems to be the Palm casino, where I learned the first rules of blackjack (always double on an 11, unless the dealer has an ace; 16 is bad). No bets yet though.

I’ve also joined the Active gym and have been going to this surreal spin class. We jive to techno Paul Simon music and do half the class in the dark - very surreal at 6am. I definitely stuck out as the white person who was not keeping rhythm (“relax your shoulders...left-right-left-right”).

I now own bedsheets! Erin and I have been going to the Old Naledi and Block 9 clinics (suburbs are called "blocks", "extensions" or "phases" is also called "New Canada") in the morning to learn about the patient recruitment process for the acute infection study, but also to have a chance to interact with people. We ventured to the Main Mall today and lunched with enormous portions of pap, samp, beef stew, curry chicken, and 3 types of veggies- for $1.50 each!


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